M.R.S Physiotherapy

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Ergonomics: How to set up your Home Workstation

Working from home have become the new norm as New Zealand responds to the highest Alert level to stamp out COVID-19. Setting up a home office can pose its challenges without the correct equipment as such in your office.  

As tempting and comfortable as it may sound to splay out on the couch or on your bed while working over your laptop you run into the risk of developing repetitive strain or postural related injuries. Working from an improper workstation setup for an extended period of time can cause awkward posture and risk developing ergonomic related injuries such as lower back pain, neck pain, thoracic pain, headaches and so forth. Hence, it is best to set up your home working station as best you can to prevent these injuries.

Watch the full video as we provide you with some helpful tips to help you set up your home workstation. We go through simple things you can do to get your hips, lower back, feet, elbow and wrist in a comfortable position to repetitive strain on these joints or body parts that are most at risk.